What we have achieved so far
Thanks to this investment by the Home Office we have delivered some real and lasting changes to Central St Leonards!
Areas including Decimus Burton Way, the path down to Warrior Square Station and Church Road/DeCham Triangle have been cleared up, Goat Ledge and the old HSBC building in Norman Road will soon get some great new mural artwork, and we have plans to install planters to protect the pavements in Kings Road. ESCC have also promised to relay original York Stone paving in Kings Road to replace the temporary asphalt patches. Valentines Passage will soon have a new gate to secure it, and subject to various planning issues Laser Lane may also be gated in a few months’ time.
Residential security upgrades
Streetlight iMprovements
Business security upgrades
– residential and business security –
Helping homes and shops to cut down on burglary and theft through improved security measures and better communication between neighbours and the police.
Our business survey received some great responses:
“With the most recent drug dealer on the street, several of us shopkeepers continually reported to Crimestoppers. He was eventually arrested and evicted. Good news all round!”
Have you joined Shopwatch yet – it is FREE for business in the areaPCC Katy Bourne on the BBC News
Katy Bourne visited st Leonards again this week to talk on the BBC about the investment her office has secured for the town.
About Safer St Leonards
We have invested over £400k from the Home Office to make lasting changes
From gated alleyways and upraded lighting to CCTV, better shop security systems, and an enhanced Shopwatch network, Safer St Leonards will see a dramatic cut in the number of opportunites for criminals to steal from you.
Our projects
The Safer St Leonards project used a multi-pronged approach to reducing crime in the area. We have worked with local residents and businesses to ensure the work we do meets your needs.
Our Partnership
Safer St Leonards is delivered by the following organisations:

Sussex Police
Crime prevention and investigation

Sussex Police Crime Commissioner
Project sponsor

Hastings Borough Council
Project oversight

Hastings Business Crime Reduction Partnership
Business support

Heart of Hastings
Community liaison

Safer Hastings Partnership
Partnership support

Neighbourhood Watch
Comunity support
Contact us
We are waiting to hear from you if you have any information or ideas that will help us to cut crime in the area